How To: Canadian Winter Edition

While the past couple of years have not been as cold and snowy as the years before, Canadian Winters are still, without a doubt, some of the toughest. Especially if it's your first. So, here are some information to keep in mind and tips to make it just a bit easier! 

Check the Weather Every Morning

Canadian Winters tend to have a mind of their own, so just because the sun is shining, doesn't mean its warm out! Be sure to check the weather every morning, and keep an eye out for the windchill. Sometimes, the temperature might say -10°C but the wind can make it feel a lot colder, making the temperature feel like -19°C.

Layer Up!

One of the easiest way to stay warm is to wear multiple layers. This can be an inconvenience, as you'd have to take off the layers to get to work or class. However, a tip to making this a bit more convenient, is to wear a zip-up sweater or a cardigan as one of your layers, that way you're easily able to remove it once you're indoors.


While this may seem like an odd "tip", it is very important. Canadian Winters can be very dry, which leads to very dry skin, causing irritation. With that being said, we definitely recommend keeping moisturized. Your body, your hands, and maybe even carrying a lip balm on-the-go to keep the lips from being chapped.

Watch & Learn

One of the best ways to know what's the best is watching what the locals do! That's why when we say watch and learn, we mean to ask around, see what type of coats or winter boots others are wearing. This helps because people who live in cold climates tend to learn what works best when it comes to keeping warm. So find what works for you, and do it & we always say, it's better to dress too warm than to be cold.

Enjoy The Winter Activities!

While Winter can be a very tricky season to endure, it's definitely one of the funnest seasons! There are plenty of winter activities you can enjoy with friends and family to make the months a little more bearable. In London, Victoria Park (downtown) offers free ice-skating ring for all. You can also rent skates for only $7 and enjoy some hot chocolate later. 

All we're trying to say is that while Winter can be long and cold, it can also be as awesome as summer is! With just a few adjustments and learning to cope and enjoy the fun activities, you can make your first Canadian Winter an awesome one. Here at LUSO, we offer a variety of services for newcomers, and assist in the transition to your new home in Canada. To learn more, or connect with LUSO Community Services in London, browse through our website or call us at 519-452-1466.


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